Zoo New England

Industry: Zoos & Aquariums

Service: Food & Retail Assessment, Contract Negotiations

JGL was brought on by Zoo New England to assess its operations and look towards a post-COVID financial landscape. With both food & retail operated by a single provider, the Zoo opted to have JGL conduct a comprehensive assessment of both earned income streams to identify areas of opportunity. Both studies identified multiple areas where the operator could make meaningful improvements to the program and drive per cap increases accordingly. The reports also identified strategies to maximize sales at the Zoo’s Boston Lights lantern festival. This was a very new but successful program from the Zoo which has since been implemented at countless other zoos across the country in the past several years. After making our recommendations on both food and retail operations, we then put together a comprehensive report outlining recommendations for the Zoo’s upcoming contract negotiation. The report addressed everything from desired commission structures to investment in the Zoo’s upcoming master plan. With our various reports in hand, Zoo New England has continued to work with its operator to improve operations year-over-year.

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