Food Service Contract Compliance

JGL has over forty years of experience negotiating and evaluating contracts of all types and we can audit yours to make sure that you are getting everything to which you are entitled.

Even in the best of circumstances, contracts are difficult to understand. What are the key performance indicators that your food service provider or retail operator is held responsible for? If they fail to meet these indicators, what effect does it have on their management fee? What if they receive a score from the health department of less than 90%? What are their reporting requirements? JGL has over forty years of experience negotiating and evaluating contracts of all types and we can audit yours to make sure that you are getting everything to which you are entitled. Through extensive interviews with key personnel, analysis of the food service and/or retail contract, detailed financial analysis of past years, and an in-depth review of KPI metrics, JGL can help to determine whether terms of the agreement are being properly followed and if not, what you are owed in return.

If you aren’t absolutely confident in your knowledge of your food service and/or retail contract, JGL can help to get you there.