Frequently, when JGL is working with a higher education account on an RFP process, we recommend hosting a Town Hall to solicit student feedback. This allows students the opportunity to ask questions and share thoughts about campus dining services. JGL always suggests gathering a variety of viewpoints to ensure a fair and equitable process.
While working with Minneapolis College of Art and Design, the JGL team (Tracy, Ryan and Connor) were getting ready to start a Town Hall presentation when they found out that another popular event was happening at the exact same time – Llamas in the Library!
Team JGL crossed their fingers that a lively food service discussion would be just as compelling as livestock in the Library – and it was! Shout out to MCAD students – we had more than 30 students attend. The Town Hall was a success! The MCAD RFP process is off to a solid start. However, as soon as the meeting concluded, Tracy, Ryan and Connor all quickly made their way to the library – they realized they had neglected to interview a group of stakeholders….the Llamas!!!
Happy holidays from the JGL team and our new furry friends!